Grand BEing, Royals!
And welcome to the affirmation of the week…
On yesterday, January 2, 2025, I was traveling from the Orlando airport back to Jacksonville, NC to close down the house that has been mine since October of 2022. So many emotions were happening within me; uncertainty, doubt, fear, relief, hope, excitement, and “all the things” as so many of you like to say. As I dropped my bag and checked in at the counter, the agent handed me my boarding pass and (what seemed very loudly to me) exclaimed, “Your gate is 111.” In that moment, in looking at the boarding pass in my hand and seeing that 111 seemingly jumping off the pass into my awareness and reality, I felt shook, knowing the Universe was giving me a message. I thought to myself, “This is definitely an angel number.”
If you know anything about airports, you know Orlando airport (MCO) is a very real international airport. Yet, here on one of their busiest travel days, I was being ushered through seamlessly. I made it through TSA, got on the rail to gate 111, and when I sat down with my food, I noticed the time was 111pm. Alright, now I am paying attention. Universe, what are you telling me? What do you want me to know?
And then, just before writing this, 111 shows itself again in a document I was in the process of recreating from an email message months ago. This is what a small portion of the email read:
“New Beginning: 111
I leave the past behind, embrace the present, and look forward to the future. I trust in myself and my abilities. I always take action toward my goals with determination and perseverance. I believe in the power of faith and the laws of the Universe that govern my reality. I let go of thoughts that no longer serve me. I embrace change, growth, and relax as new opportunities present themselves. I stay true to myself and always strive to be the I AM that I desire to be.”
And here is the interpretation from Spirit to my Soul and now from my Soul to yours:
“New Beginning: 111
I honor my past with full love and awareness that all I have been is how I have become. I embrace my present as the gift of my envisioned, created and now known reality with gratefulness to Spirit, Universe and Soul for the beauty and love of this iteration of myself. And I envision my future with hope and sincere great expectations of what I shall bring to it. I AM THAT I AM. I accomplish my goals with the courage to commit to building my capacity and confidence to manifest them greater than I have or can imagine. I believe in the power of Faith, Love and Hope to govern my Soul and my Soul to govern my natural body so that my mind, body and Soul are in alignment and moving in synchrony with each other to bring me to my highest good. I release the cycle of thoughts that have chosen to sit in fear, hopelessness, powerlessness, uncertainty, and doubt AND I take hold of a new way of thinking that says I AM THAT I AM! I create change! I recognize my growth! And I say YES to the new opportunities as they present themselves to me. I AM THAT I AM and I remain confident in this one thing… I AM THAT I AM!”
My hope for each of you is that you allow this affirmation to ring true and sincere in your Soul. And regardless of what barriers, obstacles, hindrances that come your way in 2025, you see them as opportunities of your growth and highest good! This year, this month, this week, this day; challenge your thinking and choose to live in the strongest iteration of yourself and allow The Universe, Spirit, and Soul to show up in your reality fully! Well Come on in to 2025 and let’s sit and work a spell!
Happy Being!